Photos courtesy of Andrew and Sjirk Bajema

Application forms are now available to download for the PCEA Family Camp, 30 December, 2014 to 2nd January, 2015. Follow the link, download the form, fill it in and return it to the Camp organisers. You can check out the campsite on a video from a previous post - Elanora Conference Centre. Please note that the picture on the home page (shown above) is not intended to be an indication of what is going to happen at the camp, rather a pictorial representation of the events and imagery found in the book of Isaiah.

The Youth and Fellowship Committee have announced the main speaker for our Biennial Camp is going to be Rev. Andre Scheepers, Minister of our Ulverstone Congregation.
Andre is going to be talking on the topic of The Gospel in Isaiah. We look forward to hearing the talks.
The PCEA Church-wide camp is on again. It is to take place at the Elanora Heights Conference Centre, Elanora Heights in Sydney, Tuesday 30th December, 2014 to Friday 2nd January, 2015. The latest issue of The Banner has some details. We hope that you will pencil this in - no, scribe it with a pen of iron - into your diaries. The Camps are wonderful times of fellowship and edification, growing in God's word. Application forms and more details will follow soon. Come and spend New Years Day with your brothers and sisters in Christ!