Who We Are
For over 150 years The Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia (PCEA) has been part of the religious life of our nation. The aim of this section is to acquaint Christians from other backgrounds and members of the wider community with something of our history, an outline of our beliefs, and an explanation of those things, which distinguish us from other branches of the Christian Church. As its name suggests, the congregations of this Church are found in the Eastern States including Tasmania.
It may be as you read this section that you would like to know more about our witness and activities. On the 'Congregations' tab above you will find a directory of local PCEA congregations. Enquiries are welcome and services and activities are always open to visitors. Helpful literature is also available, including the denomination's monthly magazine, The Presbyterian Banner, which can be downloaded in pdf format from the 'Resources' tab.
Our Aims
As a fellowship of those who love the Lord Jesus, we come together to worship him, we study the Bible to learn more about him and we seek to make him known to others. Briefly, our
- worship is simple and Biblical.
- preaching is plain, applied and a careful exposition of Scripture.
- fellowship is warm and genuine with each person made welcome and all encouraged to build one another up in the things of God.
- belief is the historic Christian Reformed Faith.
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